"Scivolano maestosi, su praterie verdeggianti e attraverso foreste di giada. In banchi lucenti, danzano ai ritmi della vita, portando pace e meraviglia a tutti coloro che osservano. Dentro questo scenario acquatico, c'è un mondo".

Impossibile rimanere indifferenti alla travolgente bellezza di un acquario naturale. Subito si è avvolti dal senso di calma e pace che trasmette. Scaturisce il desiderio di replicare, tra i vetri di una vasca, la meraviglia della natura. Questi sono i miei tentativi...

11 agosto 2011

"Wooden Shelob" (150 l.) - Ranked 617 at IAPLC2011

My last tank "Wooden Shelob" ranked at #617 at IAPLC2011. It recalls something like a big spider and for people who likes LOTR it is easy to realize why my son suggested me this title for the work. It was the first time for me with Ryobuku aquascape and there are some mistakes in this composition. First of all the absence of background plants to have much more deepness in the layout. Second there is too much confusion with Hydrocotyle at the base of the woods. My intention was to realize something different from usuals tanks of this type that we see around everywhere. I'm a little disappointed of my ranking at IAPLC, honestly I hoped something a bit better, but I feel satisfied of my work. I'll probably use this as a base for future improvements.

"Wooden Shelob" (150 l.)

Nome: Wooden Shelob
Vasca: 75x45x45
Volume: 150 l.
Illuminazione: Hqi 1x150W Ada Bulb
Filtraggio: ADA Super Jet Filter ES-600.
CO2: 2-3 bubble per second: ADA Pollen Glass 30mm, ADA CO2 Bubble Counter, ADA Cabochon Ruby.
Substrato: Ada Power Sand Special; Ada Amazonas II
Piante: Glossostigma elatinoides, Eleocharis parvula, Echinodorus tenellus, Ranunculus inondatus, Hemiantus callitrichoides, Hydrocotyle sp. "Japan", Vesicularia sp., Fontinalis antipiretica
Pesci ed invertebrati: Hemigrammus erythrozonus, Otocinclus affinis, Caridina japonica